Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Headed to Louisville - SER 2011

Approximately 30 members of Epsilon State will travel to Louisville next week for the 2011 Southeast Regional Conference. SER is held in odd numbered year of the biennium. Members from 11 states gather at this special event to attend sessions, learn more about the society and the many interesting topics featured in the breakout sessions, and to network with members who share a common bond - membership in Delta Kappa Gamma. Our SER representative, Libby Watson,  has worked extremely hard along with the host state to create the conference program and activities. As the Louisville trip approaches, we also have our sights on New York for 2012. I encourage Epsilon members to begin planning to attend this event. Let's set our goal at 50+ members for NY in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip! I hope to be 1 of the 50 going to New York next summer.
