Monday, March 5, 2012

What DKG means to me: Stacy Potter, Theta, Northeast District

In December 1999, I was honored to be asked to join Delta Kappa Gamma by Betty Elkins. In April of 2000, I was initiated into Phi Chapter and instantly selected as the Newsletter Editor. The next year, I was selected to become President for the chapter. I, then, transfered to Theta Chapter in 2004 and was selected for President in 2006. In 2010, I was reelected President. I have been to every district and state meeting, with the exception of one state meeting as I was due to have my daughter that month. I did, however, try my best to get there, but my family was not moving on the decision since my due date was two weeks away from the convention date.
I enjoy going to all the meetings, but especially the state meetings as I get to see friends from other areas of the state. When going to state meeting, I travel with my mom (Charlotte King), Lori Myers, and Gene Cosentino. We laugh and tell stories a lot in the car rides, but most of all, we tell Gene that she is going to be left at the state meetings because she wins too many baskets. This year I am excited to bring a first timer to the convention, Kay Bradford. I am looking to get her to become a regular to all state meetings.
Some of the challenges that I have faced are finding the time to do all the work that is required by the Chapter President while being District Director. Also, with my mom breaking her leg and the amount of work being required in my job, there is little time I get to spend with my family. Trying to find a good balance between everything is difficult at times; however, it is a blessing when I can balance it all. Through all the challenges presented to me, I am grateful to God for an understanding husband and family who help me through the craziness.
I believe for a new member, there are numerous opportunities for them to excel in their job as well as their own goals. DKG can help in so many ways such as financially and mentally. The friends created through DKG are friends that will be there in good and bad times. If you think you've been there, just talk with a DKG sister and I promise you are not alone. I am grateful for every DKG sister and hope that each one of you are blessed by being in this organization as I have been for the past 12 years.

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