Thursday, February 23, 2012

Scholarship Series Part 11: The woman behind the scholarship Bea Davis

Bea Davis received her BA degree from Newcomb College in 1929 and her MA from Tulane in 1934. Although the holder of a master's degree, she used the May Allen Scholarship at Tulane in the summer of 1946 for further study to help in her work as a visiting teacher and supervisor in her parish system.

She started her teaching career coaching the girls' basketball team while teaching English and history at Braithwaite, later becoming the principal. She also served as Supervisor of Instructor and visiting teacher. Bea ended her 41 year educational career as Director of Special Educational Services in Orleans Parish.

It has been said that" Bea represented all the fine qualities of a great educator and Delta Kappa Gamma member". Not having a family her "baby" was DKG. She served in many positions at local, state and international levels. Among them she served as Epsilon State President for two bienniums, SER Director, two bienniums on the International Personnel Committee - the second as chairman.

Bea left a  bequest of $55,000 to Epsilon State to establish a means to train DKG leaders. The result of that bequest established the Bea Davis Leadership Development Seminar in 1980. The first seminar, which is held once each biennium, was in 1991.

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