Wednesday, June 12, 2013

DKG International: Administrative Board Meeting Actions May 16-18, 2013


Actions taken:  DKG International Administrative
Board Meeting

May 16-18, 2013



·      Approved the cost for translation of the International Standing Rules (2012) into Spanish not to exceed $70.00 and for translating the Constitution and ISR into Japanese, as per their official request, for an amount not to exceed $4,000.

·      Endorsed policy and guidelines of the Arts & Humanities Jury, as amended, for approval by the executive board. To substitute the words “may be inadmissible” for the words “is not appropriate” in the second sentence of the last paragraph of the general policy. 

·         Approved the procedures manuals for finance, non-dues revenue, communications and publicity, and constitution committees.
·         Added “Sharing DKG Administrative Board Responsibilities” to the Administrative Board Policies and Responsibilities to I. A. and moved current A. Policy for Electronic Communications to B.
·         Proposed an amendment to add “Update Sharing DKG Administrative Board Responsibilities” biennially to Constitution Article VI, Section C Duties, 10, b, as (3) and move current (3) to (4).  (Proposal will be forwarded to the Constitution Committee.)
·         Changed the Employee Handbook for Society Headquarters page 9-1 Service and Retirement Awards to read: all current employees shall receive $50 from the Society upon completion of ten (10) years of service and at the end of every ten (10) years of service after that.
·         Changed pages 8-7 and 8-9 in the Employee Handbook to reflect a 30-workday limit for extended sick leave.
·         Went into executive session to discuss salaries.
·         Agreed to maintain the 2012-2013 salary schedule for 2013-2014.
·         Moved the executive director, effective July 1, 2013, from Level 7 Step 6 to Level 7 Step 7 on the Headquarters Staff Salary Schedule for 2013-2014.
·         Moved the operation services administrator, effective July 1, 2013, from Level 6 Step 4 to Level 6 Step 5 of the headquarters staff salary schedule for 2013-2014.
·         Adopted the updated Strategic Action Plan as amended.
·         Amended the Guidelines for International Expansion Process to ensure the 30 members required by the Constitution are present at the installation by inserting in Step Four: The Study Process a new #6, as follows:  Each state organization should reach the level of self-sustainability within five (5) years of installation.  Sustainability is defined as follows: the state organization 1) Pays dues on time; 2) Completes and submits reports on time; 3) Sends the president or designee to regional conference training and International Executive Board meetings; 4) Maintains open and interactive communication with international leaders and 5) Grows by 20% within five (5) years.  Change present #6 to #7, #7 to #8 and #8 to #9. To add “10) Identify and inform founders that they are charged with growing the organization by increasing membership, adding chapters, developing leadership and encouraging members’ involvement.  Founders should participate with other units of the Society; extend membership to eligible women; uphold excellence in projects and policies; and support the professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.
·         Proposed an amendment to the Constitution Article V, Section C, 3. To read: A new state organization shall have no fewer than sixty (60) members of whom twelve (12) to sixteen (16) may be founders.  (Proposal will be forwarded to the Constitution Committee.)
·         Recommended executive board approval of the Eunah Temple Holden Leadership Fund Committee’s financial support of a non-member woman speaker for the 2014 International Convention (as per Constitution Article VIII, Section C. 3. a.)

·         Approved the proposed lists 2, 3 and 4 of vendors/exhibitors for the 2013 regional conferences.

·         Set fees for the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis as follows:

      Registration - $160

      Guest - $20

      Non-member - $200

      One day - $60

·         Approved a processing fee of $30 on 2014 International Convention registration cancellations.

·         Denied approval of collection of contributions by the Golden Gift Fund Committee at its assigned activity (meet and greet) during the 2014 International Convention.
·         Determined not to allow solicitation by individuals or Society international committees at international conventions or regional conferences.
·         Approved the proposed list of vendors/exhibitors for the 2014 International Convention.
·         Approved the following vendor/exhibitor fees for registration prior to October 15, 2013, for the 2014 International Convention:
DKG affiliate vendor/exhibitor: one table $87.00, two tables $173.00, three tables $259.00
DKG non-affiliate vendor: one table $345.00, two tables $575.00, three tables $805.00
DKG non-affiliate exhibitor: one table $173.00, two tables $345.00, three tables $460.00.
Extra charges will be made for additional hotel fees.
·         Approved the following vendor/exhibitor fees for registration after October 15, 2013, for the 2014 International Convention:
DKG affiliate vendor/exhibitor – one table $100, two tables $200, three tables $300.00
DKG non-affiliate vendor – one table $400, two tables $660, three tables $925
DKG non-affiliate exhibitor – one table $200, two tables $400, three tables $530.
·         Approved accepting the gift to Society Headquarters in honor of Ohio’s 75th Anniversary.
·         Approved the 2013-2014 Replacement Schedule.


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